Guidelines for Authors > Poster guidelines


Poster presentations are organized in one poster session per day scheduled on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00 to 18:30. Posters can be viewed at any time during the day, especially during the coffee breaks (morning: 10:30-11:00, and afternoon: 15:15-15:45).
Each day a
Daily Poster Program, with the list of presenting authors and indication of room and board numbers, will be exposed in the conference areas to inform the authors and other participants where to place/find the posters.

Display time

The general display time is 08:00–18:30.

Installation time

Authors are kindly asked to install their posters early in the morning (07:30–09:00) in order to enable the conference participants to view their posters at any time during the day.
Note that, in the Room Michel Payot, the poster installation on Monday will be allowed only after the Opening Ceremony, i.e. from 09:15 to 10:30, and on Tuesday and Thursday only before the Invited Keynotes, i.e. from 07:30 to 08:15.
Assistants will be present in the poster areas to help the authors installing their poster.

Removing time
Authors are asked to take down their posters between 18:30 and 19:00. After this time, the remaining posters will be removed by the staff and stored until the end of the conference.

Attendance time

The authors attendance time, i.e. the time when the authors must be present at their board-number for presentation, is 17:00-18:30.

Oral summary of poster
Authors of poster should be prepared to provide a summary of their poster presentation
(1–2 slides) during the corresponding oral session, in case a gap should occur in the time schedule or in case the convener has foreseen the presentation of poster summaries during the oral session.

Poster boards
Poster boards are made of canvas with dimensions
A0 portrait format (width x height = 841 x 1189 mm; 33.1 x 46.8 in). Please note that posters will be located next to each other, therefore if you print a poster in landscape format it will overlap and disturb your neighbor's poster. We kindly ask you to respect this.
All the material necessary for attaching the poster to the poster board will be available at the facility desk in the respective poster area. The presenters must print their poster by themselves.
No printing service will be available on site.

Please help us to better organize the conference by strictly following these guidelines.


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